
Kylie McBeath | Being is Beautiful | https://www.kyliemcbeath.com/

Hello beautiful being. I‘m Kylie!

Even as I go to write this "about me" my mind stops and my soul laughs. “About Me” sections are funny... words could never fully describe the totality of a human.

What should I tell you? What do you want to know? What words illuminate who I am today?

I'm a first-born by 15 min. Yep, I'm an identical twin. This has shaped my life profoundly and deserves a place up front of my story. I'm married to my best friend (after a long journey of healing!) and a mother to the most beautiful baby boy.

Maybe you’re curious about how I got here? After my divorce at 25 I become obsessed with liberation. Divorces in this culture will do that to you. HELLO DESCENT #1. Liberating myself - first and foremost - and then liberating others from dogma, old life-draining patterns and toxic relationships.  

Or maybe you’re curious about my mission? The work I do in this 🌎 is about remembrance. Helping others remember who they are, and helping us all remember why we are here and our sacred role as Earth stewards.

My prayer is simple. I pray we all return to our hearts, that we slow down, soften, and remember the beautiful world that lives within and around us. May we have the courage to drop the masks, the armor, and re-awaken to our co-creative powers to heal - ourselves, one another, and the planet.

In addition to all of that jazz, I’m a Certified Health Coach, Author, Co-Founder of Zura Health, Podcast Host, Ceremonialist, and Writer.


I guide women through powerful life transitions and support them through the process of self discovery and re-birth.

I’m on a mission to support women to reclaim their voices as the powerful co-creators they are, feel confident to stand on their own two feet, and ask for what they desire and are worthy of.

My work helps women understand the deep and profound impact their family system, social conditioning and culture have had on their bodies, their hearts and in their relationships — especially the one they have with themselves. I help women identify how these systems have created a division between them and their true sense of self - because trust me, whether you realize it or not, this conditioning has had a profound impact on your life. I refer to it as the feminine wound. A.k.a. The Patriarchy Wound.

Female inferiority (or, the feminine wound) is the pain that comes as a result of being a woman. Otherwise known as intergenerational wounding, it is passed down through generations of women within patriarchal cultures. It has us believe that, as women, we are:

  • Less than

  • Not good enough

  • Not attractive enough

  • Not worthy

  • Too loud/proud/emotional/outspoken.

Sadly, the list goes on and on.

Kylie McBeath | Being is Beautiful | https://www.kyliemcbeath.com/

Learning about female inferiority was instrumental in helping me unpack and heal my wounds, step into my worth and become the empowered woman I am today.

For myself, and the women I work with, female inferiority often shows up as:

  • Shame related to things like divorce and infertility

  • Unexpressed anger

  • People pleasing

  • High achieving

  • Codependency

  • Being the “good” girl/woman/daughter/wife

  • Tolerating toxic behavior from others

  • Playing small and not “rocking the boat" in order to be loved

  • A poor relationship with self

  • Comparison and competition with other women

  • Feeling guilty for having desires and goals

  • Experiencing things like eating disorders, depression and addictions.


Let me share my journey with you, and show you how female inferiority showed up and directed the script in my life...

I grew up as the first born (only by 15 minutes to my twin sister but boy, did I take on this role!) in my family. I felt the pressure to be extremely responsible in my role as the older sibling and as such, fully embraced the labels of “caretaker”, “big sister” and the “good daughter”. Committed to being the “model eldest”, and never wanting to upset anyone within my family unit, I quickly became a people pleasing perfectionist.

Kylie McBeath | Being is Beautiful | https://www.kyliemcbeath.com/

I didn’t speak up when I disagreed with things.

I didn’t do anything that might cause disharmony. I didn’t embrace my independent streak. I didn’t rebel.

Although this was pleasant for everyone around me, holding all of my emotions inside, not expressing my truth, and interacting with the world in this repressed and conforming way, simply because it was expected of me, got damn tiring.


In saying this though, it would be many years before I would break free of the roles, beliefs, narratives and scripts that had been imposed upon me, simply for being born a female.

I first had to work in jobs that were completely unfulfilling and soul-sucking. These “shadow” jobs distracted me from my life’s purpose.

I had to end up in a marriage that, despite there being a lot of love, I see in hindsight was used as a safety net because I was lost in life, wanting to avoid becoming an adult and scared of standing on my own two feet.

I had to reach a place of depression and desperation that was a consequence of being in a relationship and living a life that was not connected to my truest and deepest sense of self.

I had to question what my purpose in this life was, and where I fit in.

It was then, and only then, after 25 years of suffering through who I thought I had to be and being asleep at the wheel of life, that I made a change.

I got clear on who I, Kylie was, and separated it from who my family, the media, the education system, religious institutions and society generally, told me to be.

I got a divorce (which brought with it a lot of shame because apparently, ‘good’ girls don’t leave marriages?!)

I got courageous and made a commitment to learn how to stand tall on my own two feet financially before entering into my next relationship.

What this journey gifted me was an understanding that, since childhood, I had been blindly acting out the scripts of being a ‘good’ sister/daughter/wife/woman - the person I thought I had to be, but the person I felt deeply disconnected from.

Kylie McBeath | Being is Beautiful | https://www.kyliemcbeath.com/

But enough was enough.

I began to wake up.
I made peace with, and healed my wounds.
I stood in my worth.
I embodied my feminine power.
I began to say ‘no’.

And with that, my life completely transformed.


I’m now committed to helping women do this work and look deep into the roots of their being with love, compassion and radical acceptance.

That is what this online sanctuary is here to do - hold space for you as you re-awaken and transform, remind you of your intrinsic worth and inspire you to say a whole-hearted ‘YES!’ to your deepest desires.

Kylie McBeath | Being is Beautiful | https://www.kyliemcbeath.com/

Grab a copy of my book Liberated Love

Liberated Love is available for pre-order my friends! Mark (my beloved) and I cannot wait for you to get your copy and hear your thoughts. This book is the analog version of the journey we walked — and the one we’ve supported many clients through — to liberate themselves from codependent patterns and relational dynamics that are draining, out-played and unhealthy.

Kylie McBeath | Being is Beautiful | https://www.kyliemcbeath.com/

Join my courses

All of my programs are designed to guide women back home to their power, and help them step fully into liberated love. To sign up for a course or register yourself on my waitlist, click the button below.

Kylie McBeath | Being is Beautiful | https://www.kyliemcbeath.com/

Listen to my podcast The Journey Home

The Journey Home Podcast is a sonic pilgrimage home to body, soul and Earth. It is a call home to soul & Mother Earth -- a deepening into the body and an exploration of the many paths that support our human development & maturation process. It is equal parts myth, personal development, relational awakening, embodied liberation, ecology and soul.