To support women to reclaim their voices as the powerful co-creators they are, feel confident to stand on their own two feet, and anchor in their truth, sovereignty and wisdom on Mother Earth. Read more about my story here.
Hello beautiful being —
Welcome to my little pocket on the inter-web. I’m delighted you are here.
A little bit about me to kick us off properly — I’m an eternally curious being who likes (loves) to stir the proverbial pot — the dogma that keeps the mind narrow and the soul suppressed — and re-awaken the creative potential and power that lives within all of us. I enjoy nothing more than being in nature with my husband and son, in ceremony with other women or curled up at home with the fire on, and a warm bevy in hand. Like you, I’m here to dance with the whole spectrum of this human experience - the good, the dark, the painful, and the joy-filled.
I’m a mother, author, writer, earth-guardian, and womb-keeper. I’m here to support humanity (and myself) in remembering what it means to be human. To remember our sacred role and responsibilities as stewards of this beautiful planet, Mother Earth.
I have the honor of guiding women through powerful life transitions and supporting them through a process of self discovery and re-birth. It is time to remember.
There is nothing wrong with you.
You don’t have to carry it all on your own.
You don’t have to see the full picture, just yet.
You can take it slow, and honor your process.
I’d love to support you to come back home to who you truly are.
Through a process of self discovery and re-birth we will help you move forward and write a new story for your life that’s aligned with your core values, and reflective of your soul’s deepest desires.
"Kylie brings a lot of expertise and heart to the table, and it is not just based on book-knowledge, but also based on life experience, which is the best teacher of all. She is incredibly caring, sincere, and honors your story. Her outlook and approach on Holistic Health and Wellness is refreshing and most importantly authentic!"
Liberated Love is available for pre-order my friends! Mark (my beloved) and I cannot wait for you to get your copy and hear your thoughts. This book is the analog version of the journey we walked — and the one we’ve supported many clients through — to liberate themselves from codependent patterns and relational dynamics that are draining, out-played and unhealthy.
Support to help you journey inwards, improve your relationships, make peace with and transform your pain, and become your most powerful ally on your healing journey.
Heartfelt musings and reflections to help you dive deeper into yourself and create a life that feels authentic and aligned. Best read with a steamy cup of tea!
The Journey Home Podcast is a sonic pilgrimage home to body, soul and Earth. It is a call home to soul & Mother Earth — a deepening into the body and an exploration of the many paths that support our human development & maturation process. It is equal parts myth, personal development, relational awakening, embodied liberation, ecology and soul.